The Project: The sales page was designed to collect email addresses from people who are interested in understanding why they behave the way they do, and how they can use this information to transform their lives.
The Goal: The main purpose of the page was to attract new subscribers to the emotional intelligence training app. The secondary purpose was to foster interest in how users could use emotional intelligence to modify their behaviour.
The Audience: The target audience was English-speaking millennials who were curious about how psychology can help them in their everyday lives.
Tone: Friendly, approachable, logical, reassuring
Solution: The headline was written to grab the attention of people who feel they would like more control over their behaviour, or to understand why they react the way they do. The benefits were laid out in a logical way, to ensure the reader felt like their decision to find out more about the app was a way for them to start understanding their own responses and feel more empowered about their behaviour.